A honeybee flies over an apple blossom.

Cards of encouragement and witty pithiness for men and women.

Greeting cards are an excellent way to bless the man or woman in your life with an encouraging note, complete with wholesome, God-glorifying art.

While it is our purpose to supply high-quality artwork, we have also made it a goal to use high-quality quotes on the front of the card—not the lame clichés you’ll find at Walmart.

Masculine greeting card featuring a quote by G.K. Chesterton.

  • Masculine greeting cards incorporate G.K. Chesterton for the guys

  • More feminine cards include Elisabeth Elliot quotes for the ladies

  • Neutral cards have C.S. Lewis, Proverbs, and Psalms

  • Card is blank on the inside to give you the ability to write your own thoughts

  • Comes with a brown envelope for a more personal touch when sending the card

  • 4.3 in. x 5.6 in

  • Free shipping